Inspirational Quote
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
- Aristotle
I have the privilege to welcome you all to our Renowned Educational Institution KVBOA.MATRIC.HR.SEC.SCHOOL,KARUR.
Our school provides opening to develop headship qualities of both boys and girls. It aims to render QUALITY EDUCATION through well educated and trained governess.
We just like you,believe in Holistic education for your child, encompassing - Academics, Co- curricular activities, Sports education and Life skills learning.
It always strives for excellence in all spheres of learners’ life. The teaching-learning process implemented by the school is innovative, learner-centered, and integrated with the latest information communication technology.
Above all we create a disciplined and orderly school environment and we teach children the importance of tolerance and respect.
Our vision is to provide the sense of creativity, talent and knowledge in young minds. I hope our modest stab to perk up the eminence of education because Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Meeting and measuring up to the emerging challenges is the prime function of today’s students.To do this, it requires keen acuity, plasticity and the knack to merge theories into action plans.
The Year ahead will be filled with many challenges and exciting opportunities for you as parents, we as teachers, and for the students.I hope that together – you, your child and our staff – can makes this school year rewarding and fulfilling.
As the Head of the prominent Institution, it is the duty to take the Institution to a new level of zenith. We are aiming to generate high profile children to start the career throughout the world.
We will make our institution as a Pre-Eminent Institution and accomplish our goal categorically.
Wishing all of us a happy and enriching year ahead!
All the best.
Honing a child is perhaps the biggest responsibility for all. It requires an environment that consistently nurtures the young mind, body and spirit and metamorphoses them into strong human beings, repositories of knowledge and skills capable of holding their own in the world outside. B. M. Playway & International School, is based on the belief that parents and teachers play the most important roles in the learning years of a child. With this view the school encourages a close partnership between the trinity of the learning processes - the child, the teacher and the parent. With such synergy between the crucial stakeholders of a child destiny, the school ensures that learning knows no boundaries. This journey begins in classrooms and goes much beyond its boundaries into the real world. Every child has access to the resources, through which skills are easy to learn, communications is set up, and opinions and ideas are expressed and shared. Parents are invited and encouraged to share in this process by participating in orientation programs and building meaningful interaction with teachers, thereby taking active part in their child learning activities. Teachers are constantly motivated to explore new methods and techniques in the classrooms, and to make full use of resources and technology. This strengthens our mission to guide, shape and build character. It makes learning an experience, which is not only about gaining knowledge, but also about the people our children, will become.